January 2024 Nevada Foster Parent Pre-Service Training- Sign up Now!
The next DCFS Foster Parent Pre-Service Training is
scheduled to begin on January 20th and will be held on four
consecutive Saturdays from 9 am to 3 pm. The training is live and on Microsoft
Teams. This training is for prospective family foster homes. Relative and
fictive kin homes are trained through a contract with Foster Kinship Navigators.
Homes that wish only to adopt should be referred to adoption resources.
In order to sign up for the January Pre-Service training, a prospective foster parent should create an account on www.ruralnvfostercare.com. If the applicant has any questions, they can contact Foster Care Recruiter Shelby Riley at shelby.riley@dcfs.nv.gov.
The trainings offered have have upped the number of pre-service
trainings from two a year to four a year. Future trainings are planned for the
spring and summer.
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