Spaces for first showing of women’s self defense DVD reserved
Spaces for first showing of women’s self defense DVD reserved
Second Humboldt County showing to be scheduled
Jessica L Szabo
Silver Pinyon Journal
22 April 2009
WINNEMUCCA —Humboldt County, Nev residents and visitors who would like to attend a free showing of the women’s self defense DVD Girls Fight Back! will get a second chance to view the presentation. All of the spaces for the first showing have been reserved but plans are in the works for another one in the near future.
CAASA (Community Advocates Against Sexual Assault) Co-Coordinator Billie Wirthlin explained that interest in the film began pouring in as soon as the showing was announced. “Girls Fight Back! teaches women exactly what to do if they find themselves in a situation in which they cannot leave - whether they are cornered by an attacker or being approached by someone who is making them uncomfortable,“ she said. “Violence is a problem. We may not think anything will happen to us, but it's always better to be prepared just in case.”
Many people have found Girls Fight Back! a valuable tool to teach their family about personal safety and protection. “Several parents have signed their kids up, as well. As parents, we want to give our kids resources to protect themselves, to be empowered and to Fight Back! when necessary,” Wirthlin added.
The second area showing will also be free to attend and anyone with plans to be in the Winnemucca area in the near future is invited to reserve a space.
“We will schedule another free viewing of Girls Fight Back! in the near future. Anyone interested in signing up for a future class, and/or being informed of future dates, can e-mail CAASA at or through our Web site at or on Facebook. You can also call us at one of the following numbers: 775-623-2328.” Wirthlin stated.
Humboldt CAASA is also offering a showing of the DVD free to any women’s group, parents group, business, or other organization that might want to make Girls Fight Back! a part of their retreat or safety presentation.
NOTE: The next Girls Fight Back! viewing will be June 24th at 6:00 p.m.- reserve now!!!!
Second Humboldt County showing to be scheduled
Jessica L Szabo
Silver Pinyon Journal
22 April 2009
WINNEMUCCA —Humboldt County, Nev residents and visitors who would like to attend a free showing of the women’s self defense DVD Girls Fight Back! will get a second chance to view the presentation. All of the spaces for the first showing have been reserved but plans are in the works for another one in the near future.
CAASA (Community Advocates Against Sexual Assault) Co-Coordinator Billie Wirthlin explained that interest in the film began pouring in as soon as the showing was announced. “Girls Fight Back! teaches women exactly what to do if they find themselves in a situation in which they cannot leave - whether they are cornered by an attacker or being approached by someone who is making them uncomfortable,“ she said. “Violence is a problem. We may not think anything will happen to us, but it's always better to be prepared just in case.”
Many people have found Girls Fight Back! a valuable tool to teach their family about personal safety and protection. “Several parents have signed their kids up, as well. As parents, we want to give our kids resources to protect themselves, to be empowered and to Fight Back! when necessary,” Wirthlin added.
The second area showing will also be free to attend and anyone with plans to be in the Winnemucca area in the near future is invited to reserve a space.
“We will schedule another free viewing of Girls Fight Back! in the near future. Anyone interested in signing up for a future class, and/or being informed of future dates, can e-mail CAASA at or through our Web site at or on Facebook. You can also call us at one of the following numbers: 775-623-2328.” Wirthlin stated.
Humboldt CAASA is also offering a showing of the DVD free to any women’s group, parents group, business, or other organization that might want to make Girls Fight Back! a part of their retreat or safety presentation.
NOTE: The next Girls Fight Back! viewing will be June 24th at 6:00 p.m.- reserve now!!!!
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